Living without Regrets by Donna Price
Are you a dreamer living your life with regrets? "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." (Eleanor Roosevelt) As the creator of your present and your future, you decide whether it will be filled with living your dreams or living regrets. Living a life without regrets is possible, and is accomplished by many, so how do we do it?
Living without regret takes consciousness, making decisions for yourself,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, and being committed to those decisions.
As we reflect on the events of September 11th, 2001, it is a time of year for being thankful for our lives, our opportunities, and remembering to live our life to the fullest. But do we do that very well? Are you living each day without regret to its fullest and are you living your dreams? I have found that living without regrets is living with intention and living my dreams.
How do you live the life of your dreams?
The keys that I have found to be successful both personally and with clients are:
1. Be very clear what your dream is. Is it to have a house of your own, or to buy a big sailboat, or to have the dream career, with fame and success? Each dream is personal and can look different.
2. Create a vision story, what your dream and vision look like, feel like, and sound like. Include all of the details: who, what, why, where, when, and how. Include the emotion of your dream and vision. Write it in the present tense. Make it inspiring. Once you've got it done, read it everyday. I know some people that read theirs each morning and each night. The story keeps you on your path and keeps you in the mode of creating your reality.
3. Make a plan. Sometimes a dream seems overwhelming but by making a plan and taking small steps each day or week, you begin moving the dream plan forward. Break it down into small steps so that you can find doable steps. Find the actions you can take and take them!
4. Celebrate accomplishments. Keep a journal with your accomplishments in it. Writing them down is important. It gives you a record for those days that you are feeling down and like nothing is happening. You can refer to your journal and see the progress you are making.
5. Set intentions each day. In your journal set your intentions. Write down the night before or first thing in the morning your intention. I write my intention for my income level and for how I live my life. This is a new technique that I have just begun, and have found it to be powerful.
6. Live in gratitude. Be thankful for the life you have, the things you are doing, your successes, your accomplishments and include them in your journal as well.
7. Create a support or mastermind group that is committed to helping you realize your dream. Mastermind groups are groups of people supporting each other's dreams and visions has been proven to be effective for many, many successful people. You can meet with the group in person or your can meet with the group via the phone. Make the meetings at least twice per month or weekly. You want to keep the momentum moving.
Each of these steps will help you to keep your life moving in the direction you want, living a life with intention, and living your dreams.
Living without regrets is living with intention, moving your dreams forward and in the direction that you desire. By clearly visioning and writing down your vision you create a powerful tool for continuous inspiration. Create a plan that outlines small steps that you can take each day or each week -- inspired actions. Keep a journal with your vision story, your plan and the small steps you can take. Include your accomplishments in the journal and celebrate them. The journal becomes a focal point of realizing your dream,and 10=being extremely unbearable, set your intentions for each day, and your gratitude for the life you are living. This journal becomes a powerful tool for realizing your dream and living with intention. And finally, consider being part of a mastermind group of people committed to realizing their goals,this does not always happen. When working for an employer. As you move your dream forward each day you will build momentum using these tools to inspire and motivate yourself, and keep yourself on track. If you find yourself discouraged, use the journal to regain your momentum. Dreams don't just happen, they take action. Living the life you want, with intention is living the dream life,actions.
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
where working alone as its downfall.
3 Steps to Creating a Productive and Fulfilling Working Environment (part I) by Arthur F Carmazzi
The Recipe for harnessing the force of human excellence starts with the way we interact with our Environment. Emotions and perceptions from interacting with others affect the way we act and REACT and ultimately affect the quality of our work and our life.
Our environment is made up of different groups. These groups are to your environment,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, as cells are to your body they may be replaced by new cells but will still have the same function and they all work together to form a whole. When we spend time with our friends, our colleagues, our family, or our loved ones, we experience different parts of our environment,and the see how easy it is to let go. Their impressions, beliefs and the way they act and react will impact our beliefs and actions.
When we take control of the many environments we work, live and play in, our world changes and we attract more success, better relationships, greater health and a more fulfilled life. We become the force of influence and not only create more for ourselves, but more for those around us.
There are 3 key steps to take control
1. Creating a Motivation Map
Awareness of what drives each environment is essential before any change can happen. Each area of our work can give us motivation or take it away. Every work environment interacts with the others and influences our working routine.
Imagine the motivation map of our "world of work" is made of 5 different areas:
Meeting Land In the north of meeting land, all the positive emotions and the motivation we get during meetings drives us to excel. But in the south of meeting land, stand the cliffs of death were we would rather jump off than attend another meeting. This is where meetings take away from our emotional needs.
The Solo Caves Solo caves where we get the most out of working alone,Obsessive Focus, yet below that is the bottomless pit, where working alone as its downfall.
Team Mountain Where we find the best in ourselves through the teams we work in, to the far east however, we find the Mountain of Fire, where working with teams, burns up our motivation. The Directive Interaction Forest Where we find incentive in giving and/or getting direction but below that lye the swamps of darkness, where giving and/or getting direction is like falling in to quick sand and the more you move, the further down you get pulled.
The social jungle Where socializing with colleagues meet our needs and drive us to be better at work yet beside the lush jungles leys the dessert of despair where social/political aspects of our work environment dry up any motivation we may have to excel
By knowing where and why your emotional needs are most fulfilled and where they are not, you can more confidently confront the obstacles that prevent you from venturing into those areas that seem to suck dry any desire to excel,Of course you want to do your best work. Last minute then isn't an option right.
For example: If you really enjoy the interaction and coming up with creative ideas within a team, but at the same time, you also feel that the same team members take too much control and they stifle the suggestions, without listening to them completely. Thus your entire team interaction may become jaded. You may have mixed feelings about your team experience. It depends on which one is stronger, the fulfillment you get from interaction & innovation or the dissatisfaction from people putting you down. You will likely see the entire experience as the reflection of the stronger force. By mapping your motivation you are actually able to separate those areas. By Mapping, we see beyond the situation and understand the elements of the situation, the emotions we are getting or not getting.
Perhaps the emotions you get from the interaction and the creativity may be a sense of connection with your team mates, a sense of achievement for coming up with the ideas, and even feelings of importance & contribution because of your input to the team. So what you are actually getting from interaction and the creativity are these specific emotions and that's why you're motivated.
When people don't listen to your ideas or put them down, the opposite happens, it literally takes the feelings of achievement, connection, importance and contribution away you and that why you are unmotivated.
So it's not about the interaction and innovation or the way people put you down, but about the emotions you get or get taken away.
When you look at your overall map, your actions, motivations, and how and why you act and react to others becomes very clear. You will be constantly reminded of where you are and what makes you productive. You will be more able to deal with the people and situations that de-motivate you. Your awareness that it's not what others "do" that matters, but what emotional needs you loose that causes dissatisfaction, gives you the power to inspire a new perspective, the power to change the situations that influence you.
But the key is to share your map with your colleagues and get them to share theirs with you. This will set the foundation to influence your environment and help to keep each other get greater fulfillment and productivity at work.
More on Part 2
The Recipe for harnessing the force of human excellence starts with the way we interact with our Environment. Emotions and perceptions from interacting with others affect the way we act and REACT and ultimately affect the quality of our work and our life.
Our environment is made up of different groups. These groups are to your environment,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, as cells are to your body they may be replaced by new cells but will still have the same function and they all work together to form a whole. When we spend time with our friends, our colleagues, our family, or our loved ones, we experience different parts of our environment,and the see how easy it is to let go. Their impressions, beliefs and the way they act and react will impact our beliefs and actions.
When we take control of the many environments we work, live and play in, our world changes and we attract more success, better relationships, greater health and a more fulfilled life. We become the force of influence and not only create more for ourselves, but more for those around us.
There are 3 key steps to take control
1. Creating a Motivation Map
Awareness of what drives each environment is essential before any change can happen. Each area of our work can give us motivation or take it away. Every work environment interacts with the others and influences our working routine.
Imagine the motivation map of our "world of work" is made of 5 different areas:
Meeting Land In the north of meeting land, all the positive emotions and the motivation we get during meetings drives us to excel. But in the south of meeting land, stand the cliffs of death were we would rather jump off than attend another meeting. This is where meetings take away from our emotional needs.
The Solo Caves Solo caves where we get the most out of working alone,Obsessive Focus, yet below that is the bottomless pit, where working alone as its downfall.
Team Mountain Where we find the best in ourselves through the teams we work in, to the far east however, we find the Mountain of Fire, where working with teams, burns up our motivation. The Directive Interaction Forest Where we find incentive in giving and/or getting direction but below that lye the swamps of darkness, where giving and/or getting direction is like falling in to quick sand and the more you move, the further down you get pulled.
The social jungle Where socializing with colleagues meet our needs and drive us to be better at work yet beside the lush jungles leys the dessert of despair where social/political aspects of our work environment dry up any motivation we may have to excel
By knowing where and why your emotional needs are most fulfilled and where they are not, you can more confidently confront the obstacles that prevent you from venturing into those areas that seem to suck dry any desire to excel,Of course you want to do your best work. Last minute then isn't an option right.
For example: If you really enjoy the interaction and coming up with creative ideas within a team, but at the same time, you also feel that the same team members take too much control and they stifle the suggestions, without listening to them completely. Thus your entire team interaction may become jaded. You may have mixed feelings about your team experience. It depends on which one is stronger, the fulfillment you get from interaction & innovation or the dissatisfaction from people putting you down. You will likely see the entire experience as the reflection of the stronger force. By mapping your motivation you are actually able to separate those areas. By Mapping, we see beyond the situation and understand the elements of the situation, the emotions we are getting or not getting.
Perhaps the emotions you get from the interaction and the creativity may be a sense of connection with your team mates, a sense of achievement for coming up with the ideas, and even feelings of importance & contribution because of your input to the team. So what you are actually getting from interaction and the creativity are these specific emotions and that's why you're motivated.
When people don't listen to your ideas or put them down, the opposite happens, it literally takes the feelings of achievement, connection, importance and contribution away you and that why you are unmotivated.
So it's not about the interaction and innovation or the way people put you down, but about the emotions you get or get taken away.
When you look at your overall map, your actions, motivations, and how and why you act and react to others becomes very clear. You will be constantly reminded of where you are and what makes you productive. You will be more able to deal with the people and situations that de-motivate you. Your awareness that it's not what others "do" that matters, but what emotional needs you loose that causes dissatisfaction, gives you the power to inspire a new perspective, the power to change the situations that influence you.
But the key is to share your map with your colleagues and get them to share theirs with you. This will set the foundation to influence your environment and help to keep each other get greater fulfillment and productivity at work.
More on Part 2
Monday, October 29, 2012
How Perfumes Make You Sexy
Or is it the way they smell to each other?
Actually, the way you smell plays an important part in the mating game. It is true in the animal world. Like it or not, it is also true among people.
Ever heard about pheromones,and observe his/her personality as well.? Read for the details,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
That is the secret of sexual attraction.
In the animal world, pheromones attract member the opposite sex irresistably when the animal is in heat. Think about the female cat who attracts male cats in droves, who fight over her when she is in heat.
Among insects, a starving cockroach on the verge of dying from hunger would rather follow the source of pheromones with the hope of mating, rather than go for the food that would save his life.
Humans are not spared from the effects of pheromones either. That fuzzy feeling a woman gets near the presence of her special guy could well be due to pheromones. Likewise, men are attracted to a woman, by her looks, her personality, and the pheromones she produces.
Everyone has a million apocrine glands whose sole function is to produce a smell. These only become active upon puberty. Upon sexual maturity. A sex scent, if you will.
Did you know that in certain parts of the world, during village dances, girls would hold slices of apple in their armpits while they dance,hair color. Then, they would offer the sweat soaked apples to the guys they fancy.
Perfumes as we know them were first used by Egyptians to embalm the dead bodies of mummies. Later, perfumes were used before sex. To get both parties in a more romantic mood.
Jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang and a number of other aromatherapy oils used in perfumery are known for their aphrodisiac properties.
I remember reading an amusing incident about a guy who used sandalwood as a sore throat remedy. It has an interesting side effect. It increased his libido significantly. That means sandalwood perfumes featured in do make you sexier.
Patchouli has a sweet, very strong, musky scent that is considered very sexy. On its own, it is the kind of scent you either love or hate, as it can be overpowering, but when blended into a perfume with other notes, it gives the perfume a sexier feel.
Ylang ylang has a strong, womanly scent. Ylang ylang can be overpowering but when used lightly or in blends, it is said to put one in a romantic mood. Ylang ylang perfumes like the ones from are ideal for that romantic night out.
Jasmine perfume you can get from has a very sensual fragrance. Jasmine essential oil itself exerts an effect on a female hormones,the Ug name is short for "ugly." In terms of comfort. It is used in aromatherapy to balance hormones and to boost confidence. Jasmine is popular in perfumes as it has a strong erogenous effect on people.
Then there is musk which on its own, is a potent masculine scent. With other scents, it might be barely detectable yet it gives the perfume bouquet an air of mystery. Even the lightest, most flowery perfumes contain a trace of musk.
Perfumes are often used like pheromones, for that aphrodisiac effect. Look at all the perfume ads. They usually center around romance, or seduction.
Going a step further, perfumes, which you can get at also make you feel good about yourself. Many women buy perfumes for the sheer beauty of the fragrances. Perfumes can make you smell wonderful. They can make your shower a luxurious experience. You set out to face the world, knowing you smell simply fabulous and that gives you that confidence which is really sexy.
Or is it the way they smell to each other?
Actually, the way you smell plays an important part in the mating game. It is true in the animal world. Like it or not, it is also true among people.
Ever heard about pheromones,and observe his/her personality as well.? Read for the details,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
That is the secret of sexual attraction.
In the animal world, pheromones attract member the opposite sex irresistably when the animal is in heat. Think about the female cat who attracts male cats in droves, who fight over her when she is in heat.
Among insects, a starving cockroach on the verge of dying from hunger would rather follow the source of pheromones with the hope of mating, rather than go for the food that would save his life.
Humans are not spared from the effects of pheromones either. That fuzzy feeling a woman gets near the presence of her special guy could well be due to pheromones. Likewise, men are attracted to a woman, by her looks, her personality, and the pheromones she produces.
Everyone has a million apocrine glands whose sole function is to produce a smell. These only become active upon puberty. Upon sexual maturity. A sex scent, if you will.
Did you know that in certain parts of the world, during village dances, girls would hold slices of apple in their armpits while they dance,hair color. Then, they would offer the sweat soaked apples to the guys they fancy.
Perfumes as we know them were first used by Egyptians to embalm the dead bodies of mummies. Later, perfumes were used before sex. To get both parties in a more romantic mood.
Jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, ylang ylang and a number of other aromatherapy oils used in perfumery are known for their aphrodisiac properties.
I remember reading an amusing incident about a guy who used sandalwood as a sore throat remedy. It has an interesting side effect. It increased his libido significantly. That means sandalwood perfumes featured in do make you sexier.
Patchouli has a sweet, very strong, musky scent that is considered very sexy. On its own, it is the kind of scent you either love or hate, as it can be overpowering, but when blended into a perfume with other notes, it gives the perfume a sexier feel.
Ylang ylang has a strong, womanly scent. Ylang ylang can be overpowering but when used lightly or in blends, it is said to put one in a romantic mood. Ylang ylang perfumes like the ones from are ideal for that romantic night out.
Jasmine perfume you can get from has a very sensual fragrance. Jasmine essential oil itself exerts an effect on a female hormones,the Ug name is short for "ugly." In terms of comfort. It is used in aromatherapy to balance hormones and to boost confidence. Jasmine is popular in perfumes as it has a strong erogenous effect on people.
Then there is musk which on its own, is a potent masculine scent. With other scents, it might be barely detectable yet it gives the perfume bouquet an air of mystery. Even the lightest, most flowery perfumes contain a trace of musk.
Perfumes are often used like pheromones, for that aphrodisiac effect. Look at all the perfume ads. They usually center around romance, or seduction.
Going a step further, perfumes, which you can get at also make you feel good about yourself. Many women buy perfumes for the sheer beauty of the fragrances. Perfumes can make you smell wonderful. They can make your shower a luxurious experience. You set out to face the world, knowing you smell simply fabulous and that gives you that confidence which is really sexy.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
* Dyeing adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones and pearls.
Gemstone Jewelry Secrets Revealed
The mystery and magic of colored gemstones has been an integral aspect or the "Lore" of most cultures for many centuries. Here is what noted gemstone experts Antoinette L. Matlins and A.C. Bonanno have to say on the matter.
"The fascination with colored gemstones dates back to the very beginning of civilization. For our ancestors, the blue of sapphire produced visions of the heavens; the red of ruby was a reminder of the very essence of life. By Roman times, rings containing colored gems were prized symbols of power-and the most powerful wore rings on every joint of every finger!
Since ancient times, colored stones have been thought to possess innate magical powers and the ability to endow the wearer with certain attributes. According to legend, emeralds are good for the eyes; yellow stones cure jaundice; red stones stop the flow of blood. At one time it was believed that a ruby worn by a man indicated command, nobility, lordship, and vengeance; worn by a woman, however, it indicated pride, obstinacy, haughtiness. A blue sapphire worn by a man indicated wisdom, and high and magnanimous thoughts; on a woman, jealousy in love, politeness, and vigilance. The emerald signified for a man joyousness, transitory hope, and the decline of friendship; for woman, unfounded ambition, childish delight, and change.
Colored gems,but today's bride can opt for any number of styles. Here are four of the most popular styles, because of the magical powers associated with them, achieved extensive use as talismans and amulets; as predictors of the future; as therapeutic aids; and as essential elements to many religious practices-pagan, Hebrew, and Christian."
Gemstones 101
Natural gemstones are found in nature. Laboratory-created stones, as the name implies, are made in the laboratory. These stones, which also are referred to as laboratory-grown, {name of manufacturer} - created,using your feature eye shadow colour, or synthetic, have essentially the same chemical, physical and visual properties as natural gemstones. Laboratory-created stones do not have the rarity of naturally colored stones and they are less expensive than naturally mined stones. By contrast, imitation stones look like natural stones in appearance only, and may be glass, plastic, or less costly stones. Laboratory-created and imitation stones should be clearly identified as such.
Gemstones may be measured by weight, size, or both. The basic unit for weighing gemstones is the carat, which is equal to one-fifth 91/5th) of a gram. Carats are divided into 100 units called points. For example,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, a half-carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are measured by dimensions, the size is expressed in millimeters (for example, 7x5 millimeters).
Gemstone treatments or enhancements refer to the way some gems are treated to improve their appearance or durability, or even change their color. Many gemstones are treated in some way. The effects of some treatments may lessen or change over time and some treated stones may require special care. Some enhancements also affect the value of a stone, when measured against a comparable untreated stone.
Jewelers should tell you whether the gemstone you're considering has been treated when: the treatment is not permanent; the treated stone requires special care; or the treatment significantly affects the value of the gemstone.
Some common treatments that you may be told about and their effects include:
* Heating can lighten, darken or change the color of some gems, or improve a gemstone's clarity.
* Irradiation can add more color to colored diamonds, certain other gemstones and pearls.
* Impregnating some gems with colorless oils, wax or resins makes a variety of imperfections less visible and can improve the gemstones' clarity and appearance.
* Fracture filling hides cracks or fractures in gems by injecting colorless plastic or glass into the cracks and improves the gemstones' appearance and durability.
* Diffusion treatment adds color to the surface of colorless gems; the center of the stone remains colorless.
* Dyeing adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones and pearls.
* Bleaching lightens and whitens dome gems, Including jade and pearls.
In this day and age, gemstones are generally worn for their natural beauty or as a fashion statement, but there are many that "buy-in" to the mythical and mystical symbolisms of gems as well. Whatever a persons reason,and during the Roman Empire, the world of gems today offers an almost endless choice. Many new gems have been discovered and are widely available in reds, blues, greens and many unusual shades as well. Enjoy!
The mystery and magic of colored gemstones has been an integral aspect or the "Lore" of most cultures for many centuries. Here is what noted gemstone experts Antoinette L. Matlins and A.C. Bonanno have to say on the matter.
"The fascination with colored gemstones dates back to the very beginning of civilization. For our ancestors, the blue of sapphire produced visions of the heavens; the red of ruby was a reminder of the very essence of life. By Roman times, rings containing colored gems were prized symbols of power-and the most powerful wore rings on every joint of every finger!
Since ancient times, colored stones have been thought to possess innate magical powers and the ability to endow the wearer with certain attributes. According to legend, emeralds are good for the eyes; yellow stones cure jaundice; red stones stop the flow of blood. At one time it was believed that a ruby worn by a man indicated command, nobility, lordship, and vengeance; worn by a woman, however, it indicated pride, obstinacy, haughtiness. A blue sapphire worn by a man indicated wisdom, and high and magnanimous thoughts; on a woman, jealousy in love, politeness, and vigilance. The emerald signified for a man joyousness, transitory hope, and the decline of friendship; for woman, unfounded ambition, childish delight, and change.
Colored gems,but today's bride can opt for any number of styles. Here are four of the most popular styles, because of the magical powers associated with them, achieved extensive use as talismans and amulets; as predictors of the future; as therapeutic aids; and as essential elements to many religious practices-pagan, Hebrew, and Christian."
Gemstones 101
Natural gemstones are found in nature. Laboratory-created stones, as the name implies, are made in the laboratory. These stones, which also are referred to as laboratory-grown, {name of manufacturer} - created,using your feature eye shadow colour, or synthetic, have essentially the same chemical, physical and visual properties as natural gemstones. Laboratory-created stones do not have the rarity of naturally colored stones and they are less expensive than naturally mined stones. By contrast, imitation stones look like natural stones in appearance only, and may be glass, plastic, or less costly stones. Laboratory-created and imitation stones should be clearly identified as such.
Gemstones may be measured by weight, size, or both. The basic unit for weighing gemstones is the carat, which is equal to one-fifth 91/5th) of a gram. Carats are divided into 100 units called points. For example,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, a half-carat gemstone would weigh .50 carats or 50 points. When gemstones are measured by dimensions, the size is expressed in millimeters (for example, 7x5 millimeters).
Gemstone treatments or enhancements refer to the way some gems are treated to improve their appearance or durability, or even change their color. Many gemstones are treated in some way. The effects of some treatments may lessen or change over time and some treated stones may require special care. Some enhancements also affect the value of a stone, when measured against a comparable untreated stone.
Jewelers should tell you whether the gemstone you're considering has been treated when: the treatment is not permanent; the treated stone requires special care; or the treatment significantly affects the value of the gemstone.
Some common treatments that you may be told about and their effects include:
* Heating can lighten, darken or change the color of some gems, or improve a gemstone's clarity.
* Irradiation can add more color to colored diamonds, certain other gemstones and pearls.
* Impregnating some gems with colorless oils, wax or resins makes a variety of imperfections less visible and can improve the gemstones' clarity and appearance.
* Fracture filling hides cracks or fractures in gems by injecting colorless plastic or glass into the cracks and improves the gemstones' appearance and durability.
* Diffusion treatment adds color to the surface of colorless gems; the center of the stone remains colorless.
* Dyeing adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones and pearls.
* Bleaching lightens and whitens dome gems, Including jade and pearls.
In this day and age, gemstones are generally worn for their natural beauty or as a fashion statement, but there are many that "buy-in" to the mythical and mystical symbolisms of gems as well. Whatever a persons reason,and during the Roman Empire, the world of gems today offers an almost endless choice. Many new gems have been discovered and are widely available in reds, blues, greens and many unusual shades as well. Enjoy!
Friday, October 26, 2012
if you want a softer line.
Quick Tips for Applying Eye Makeup
Ever since Queen Nefertiti first lined her eyes with black coal, women have been using makeup to emphasize the beauty of their eyes. If you are looking for eye makeup tips or eye makeup ideas for a dramatic eye make up look for an evening out, or simply some free eye makeup tips to put on your morning face, you can start out by learning basic eye makeup application.
How to Apply Eye Makeup
Before applying eye makeup,conscientiousness, it's always a good idea to use a concealer to hide dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes. Choose a shade of concealer that's slightly lighter than your natural skin tone. Don't use too much and blend it in well.
Apply the eye shadow color in several thin layers, blend well. Put the sheer color on the center of your lid with a sponge applicator or pencil.
Next, brush up and out toward your brow, then nose. Use an eye brush if possible. Apply a deeper shade of color to the crease of your lid.
Highlight Your Eyes
To highlight eyes, add a lighter shade of the same color of eye makeup to your brow bone.
Outline and Define Eyes
Outline the top and bottom of your lids with an eyeliner pencil. You can make short, close little dots with your eyeliner instead of a straight line. Smudge the dots or line lightly from the inner corners to the outer corners, if you want a softer line,"We're a perfect fit.
Make Thick Eye Lashes
For great looking eyelashes, go over lashes first with an eyelash separator comb. Apply a thin coat of mascara to lashes (If you don't have many lashes, you may want to do lashes individually),Cascading Elegance. Re-comb your lashes immediately after you apply the mascara. Let them dry, then repeat the process,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
Removing Eye Makeup
Eye makeup should be removed with a cotton ball or swab that has been soaked in makeup remover. Makeup remover pads are good too.
Remember to be gentle and don't rush. Be especially careful when removing mascara. You can gently rub the underside of the lashes until they come clean.
Ever since Queen Nefertiti first lined her eyes with black coal, women have been using makeup to emphasize the beauty of their eyes. If you are looking for eye makeup tips or eye makeup ideas for a dramatic eye make up look for an evening out, or simply some free eye makeup tips to put on your morning face, you can start out by learning basic eye makeup application.
How to Apply Eye Makeup
Before applying eye makeup,conscientiousness, it's always a good idea to use a concealer to hide dark circles and wrinkles around the eyes. Choose a shade of concealer that's slightly lighter than your natural skin tone. Don't use too much and blend it in well.
Apply the eye shadow color in several thin layers, blend well. Put the sheer color on the center of your lid with a sponge applicator or pencil.
Next, brush up and out toward your brow, then nose. Use an eye brush if possible. Apply a deeper shade of color to the crease of your lid.
Highlight Your Eyes
To highlight eyes, add a lighter shade of the same color of eye makeup to your brow bone.
Outline and Define Eyes
Outline the top and bottom of your lids with an eyeliner pencil. You can make short, close little dots with your eyeliner instead of a straight line. Smudge the dots or line lightly from the inner corners to the outer corners, if you want a softer line,"We're a perfect fit.
Make Thick Eye Lashes
For great looking eyelashes, go over lashes first with an eyelash separator comb. Apply a thin coat of mascara to lashes (If you don't have many lashes, you may want to do lashes individually),Cascading Elegance. Re-comb your lashes immediately after you apply the mascara. Let them dry, then repeat the process,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
Removing Eye Makeup
Eye makeup should be removed with a cotton ball or swab that has been soaked in makeup remover. Makeup remover pads are good too.
Remember to be gentle and don't rush. Be especially careful when removing mascara. You can gently rub the underside of the lashes until they come clean.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
not enhance an outfit. All and all
Why a Sports Bra is a Critical Part of Your Wardrobe by Tiffany Hart
It wasn't all that long ago that a woman could get by on a few bras.. That is no longer the case. As we learn more about how wear and tear impacts breasts, new specialty bras have been developed. The sports bra has been around for some time and is a vital part to your wardrobe.
The first thing to understand about the sports bra is you don't have to be running a marathon to need one. Any type of up and down motion where the breasts are going to be moving a lot will do the trick. When your breasts move repeatedly, they tend to stretch out which is a bad thing in the opinion of nearly every woman!
To understand the issue, we have to do a quick anatomy lesson. The breasts are primarily comprised of fat. This essentially creates two weighted masses on your chest. When you move up and down or side to side quickly, these weights move in a delayed manner that causes a lot of stress for the anchor mechanisms.
The anchor mechanisms are were we find the root of the problem. Your breasts are anchored to the core of the body by "Cooper's ligaments". Ligaments have a bad habit of stretching over time if put under stress via weight or weighted movement,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. In practical terms, this means that as your breasts move about, the ligaments are being put under stress and slowly stretching.
A sports bra works by minimizing the movement of the breast when you are in motion. If you think of a woman jogging in place without a bra, her breasts are going to be bouncing up and down, putting massive stress on the anchor of the breasts. A sports bra works by firmly holding the breast to the chest wall. Each breast is full encapsulated, so there is no room for spillage. The girls are also held up against the chest so that no forward and backwards movement is excessive.
As you might imagine, the average sports bra is not exactly the sexiest of undergarments. That's okay because the purpose is to protect the breasts, not enhance an outfit. All and all, a sports bra can be a real savior for most women. Long term, the bra will keep you from suffering the excessive effects of gravity. Short term, it should eliminate any discomfort you might feel when building up a sweat. This alone makes it a critical part of your wardrobe.
It wasn't all that long ago that a woman could get by on a few bras.. That is no longer the case. As we learn more about how wear and tear impacts breasts, new specialty bras have been developed. The sports bra has been around for some time and is a vital part to your wardrobe.
The first thing to understand about the sports bra is you don't have to be running a marathon to need one. Any type of up and down motion where the breasts are going to be moving a lot will do the trick. When your breasts move repeatedly, they tend to stretch out which is a bad thing in the opinion of nearly every woman!
To understand the issue, we have to do a quick anatomy lesson. The breasts are primarily comprised of fat. This essentially creates two weighted masses on your chest. When you move up and down or side to side quickly, these weights move in a delayed manner that causes a lot of stress for the anchor mechanisms.
The anchor mechanisms are were we find the root of the problem. Your breasts are anchored to the core of the body by "Cooper's ligaments". Ligaments have a bad habit of stretching over time if put under stress via weight or weighted movement,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. In practical terms, this means that as your breasts move about, the ligaments are being put under stress and slowly stretching.
A sports bra works by minimizing the movement of the breast when you are in motion. If you think of a woman jogging in place without a bra, her breasts are going to be bouncing up and down, putting massive stress on the anchor of the breasts. A sports bra works by firmly holding the breast to the chest wall. Each breast is full encapsulated, so there is no room for spillage. The girls are also held up against the chest so that no forward and backwards movement is excessive.
As you might imagine, the average sports bra is not exactly the sexiest of undergarments. That's okay because the purpose is to protect the breasts, not enhance an outfit. All and all, a sports bra can be a real savior for most women. Long term, the bra will keep you from suffering the excessive effects of gravity. Short term, it should eliminate any discomfort you might feel when building up a sweat. This alone makes it a critical part of your wardrobe.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Dresses For A Special Occasion: How To Select That Special Dress(Style Tips For Women) by Sue Cole
Millions of ladies are continuously looking for Dresses For A Special Occasion. Presented here I outline some dynamic Style Tips For Women on How To Select That Special Dress to cause the occasion truly unforgettable. Haven't adorned a dress in a while and you require one for Friday night's dinner date? Do not stress, together with a little aid and a plan, you are able to find that perfect dress for Friday night. Here's how:
Dresses For A Special Occasion: What Type Of Occasion Is It?
Ascertain the place you will be going. Is it formal, semi-formal, relaxed, or grunge? You do not need to arrive in a proper dress to find out he's taking you to the beach for a nice romantic meal!
Now settle on the sort of dress. It's important to choose a dress that adds to your figure,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Not every dress is successful for all body types. The single most pleasing dresses are those with darker colours and simple cut. You need to show off your most excellent features and play them up.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: The Importance Of Color
Now you should choose a color. You could wear black, but why not examine a number of the different dressy choices? Bright colours and bold prints are dramatic. Pastels, mid-range brights and soft prints are excellent for dressy day events. Blues, pinks and whites look excellent on almost any person.
At this point it is time to match the colour and kind with the design. There are literally thousands of unique styles of dresses. Try on numerous, even those you do not like on the rails. A few dresses look dreadful on the hanger but excellent on a body! You'll never know till you try one on.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: Match Your Setting
For extra special evening events, choose a cocktail dress. This is where the classic "modest black dress" fits in.
For a picnic on the beach, try a sexy little spaghetti strap dress.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: Keep To Your Budget?
You should absolutely set a budget before shopping as it is easy to fall in love with a $500 dress and then try to rationalize it!
Commonly extra special occasion dresses cost more than relaxed casual dresses. If you comparison shop, you are able to find one that operates in your value range.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: The Final Touches
Now that you've the perfect dress, you will have to conduct some accessorizing. The embellishments will take their cue from the dress and the circumstance. Don't put in a lot of glitz, you will smoother your outfit. Sparkly brooches and pins are excellent paths to add special pizzazz to your outfit.
Dresses For A Special Occasion:Conclusion
How To Select That Special Dress in the perfect way for the right occasion is certainly an artform the whole thing has to be just right. Follow the above advice and you will be on the way to really enjoying that special evening or event adorning those stunning Dresses For A Special Occasion.
Millions of ladies are continuously looking for Dresses For A Special Occasion. Presented here I outline some dynamic Style Tips For Women on How To Select That Special Dress to cause the occasion truly unforgettable. Haven't adorned a dress in a while and you require one for Friday night's dinner date? Do not stress, together with a little aid and a plan, you are able to find that perfect dress for Friday night. Here's how:
Dresses For A Special Occasion: What Type Of Occasion Is It?
Ascertain the place you will be going. Is it formal, semi-formal, relaxed, or grunge? You do not need to arrive in a proper dress to find out he's taking you to the beach for a nice romantic meal!
Now settle on the sort of dress. It's important to choose a dress that adds to your figure,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Not every dress is successful for all body types. The single most pleasing dresses are those with darker colours and simple cut. You need to show off your most excellent features and play them up.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: The Importance Of Color
Now you should choose a color. You could wear black, but why not examine a number of the different dressy choices? Bright colours and bold prints are dramatic. Pastels, mid-range brights and soft prints are excellent for dressy day events. Blues, pinks and whites look excellent on almost any person.
At this point it is time to match the colour and kind with the design. There are literally thousands of unique styles of dresses. Try on numerous, even those you do not like on the rails. A few dresses look dreadful on the hanger but excellent on a body! You'll never know till you try one on.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: Match Your Setting
For extra special evening events, choose a cocktail dress. This is where the classic "modest black dress" fits in.
For a picnic on the beach, try a sexy little spaghetti strap dress.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: Keep To Your Budget?
You should absolutely set a budget before shopping as it is easy to fall in love with a $500 dress and then try to rationalize it!
Commonly extra special occasion dresses cost more than relaxed casual dresses. If you comparison shop, you are able to find one that operates in your value range.
Dresses For A Special Occasion: The Final Touches
Now that you've the perfect dress, you will have to conduct some accessorizing. The embellishments will take their cue from the dress and the circumstance. Don't put in a lot of glitz, you will smoother your outfit. Sparkly brooches and pins are excellent paths to add special pizzazz to your outfit.
Dresses For A Special Occasion:Conclusion
How To Select That Special Dress in the perfect way for the right occasion is certainly an artform the whole thing has to be just right. Follow the above advice and you will be on the way to really enjoying that special evening or event adorning those stunning Dresses For A Special Occasion.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Then you need to understand more about these extensions to help you make the smart choice for you.
Is A Hair Extension A Good Idea For You? by Jeff Schuman
Are you considering getting a hair extension but can't decide if this is a good idea for you or not? Then you need to understand more about these extensions to help you make the smart choice for you.
There are many people that want long hair but don't want to wait for it to grow out. With the help of extensions anyone can now have long hair within a very short period of time. They are safe for anyone to get the long hair that you desire.
You can keep the extensions in for a while but make sure you properly maintain them and have them checked or redone by a professional stylist whenever it is needed. You can also only wear them for a few days if that is what you want them for.
That is one big plus with many people because they can have the long hair that they want for as long as they want but when they get tired of it the extensions are very easy to have removed so you can go back to your shorter hair style.
The extensions will last for around five months before you need to see your stylist again but you have to be sure you take very good care of your hair and the extensions during that time or they will need to be redone sooner than that.
There are two different types of extensions that you need to be aware of. You can easily get either one of these in your hair but it is important to understand the different between them before deciding which type would be the best for you to get added to your hair.
Here are the two different types of extensions that are available these days.
1. Synthetic extensions - This has a different texture than the next type does but it still looks just as natural with your own hair as the other type. Plus this type is cheaper to get put into your hair.
2. Human hair extensions - These are higher in price but definitely look and feel more natural once they are in. This type is in high demand these days so be prepared to pay some money for this type,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
Now that you understand more about hair extensions you will have a much easier time deciding if they are right for you or not. Take your time making your decision because it is a big decision to make and be sure to talk to a professional stylist to help you make the smartest choice possible for you.
Are you considering getting a hair extension but can't decide if this is a good idea for you or not? Then you need to understand more about these extensions to help you make the smart choice for you.
There are many people that want long hair but don't want to wait for it to grow out. With the help of extensions anyone can now have long hair within a very short period of time. They are safe for anyone to get the long hair that you desire.
You can keep the extensions in for a while but make sure you properly maintain them and have them checked or redone by a professional stylist whenever it is needed. You can also only wear them for a few days if that is what you want them for.
That is one big plus with many people because they can have the long hair that they want for as long as they want but when they get tired of it the extensions are very easy to have removed so you can go back to your shorter hair style.
The extensions will last for around five months before you need to see your stylist again but you have to be sure you take very good care of your hair and the extensions during that time or they will need to be redone sooner than that.
There are two different types of extensions that you need to be aware of. You can easily get either one of these in your hair but it is important to understand the different between them before deciding which type would be the best for you to get added to your hair.
Here are the two different types of extensions that are available these days.
1. Synthetic extensions - This has a different texture than the next type does but it still looks just as natural with your own hair as the other type. Plus this type is cheaper to get put into your hair.
2. Human hair extensions - These are higher in price but definitely look and feel more natural once they are in. This type is in high demand these days so be prepared to pay some money for this type,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots.
Now that you understand more about hair extensions you will have a much easier time deciding if they are right for you or not. Take your time making your decision because it is a big decision to make and be sure to talk to a professional stylist to help you make the smartest choice possible for you.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
How can a woman tell if she is experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms
Symptoms Of Hormone Imbalance In Women
Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women may begin as early as the late twenties to the forties. Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women tend to increase as a woman ages, especially if ignored in the earlier years. Hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:
Allergy symptoms
Depression, fatigue and anxiety
Fibrocystic breasts
Hair loss and facial hair growth
Headaches, dizziness and foggy thinking
Low sex drive
Urinary tract infections and incontinence
Uterine fibroids
Weight gain, water retention and bloating
Wrinkly skin
Symptoms of hormone imbalance are caused primarily by the incorrect relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels in the body. The two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, exist in a delicate balance. Variations in that balance can have a dramatic effect on your health, resulting in symptoms of hormone imbalance. The amounts of these hormones that the woman's body produces from month to month can vary, depending on factors such as stress, nutrition, exercise and most importantly - ovulation or the lack of ovulation.
In the first 10-12 days of the menstrual cycle, only estrogen is produced in the female body. If ovulation occurs, then progesterone is produced by the ovaries. On day 28 or so, levels of both hormones drop, resulting in menstruation. However, if ovulation did not occur, you can still have the menstrual period, but the estrogen is never "balanced" by progesterone, which needed ovulation to trigger its production. And this results in symptoms of hormone imbalance appearing - you have estrogen but progesterone production drops to very low levels.
In the industrialized countries,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, women take birth control pills, are exposed to household chemicals at home, car exhaust and other environmental xenoestrogens. In addition, women often have stressful lives, eat processed foods or skip meals, take synthetic estrogen HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and have hysterectomies. All these factors can add more estrogen to the female body, resulting in excess estrogen which will cause hormone imbalance symptoms.
How can a woman tell if she is experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms? An easy, fast and effective way is to take the online test provided by a leading womens health clinic for early signs of menopause and symptoms of hormone imbalance in women. The online test takes just a few minutes and is free. Learn more about your health, symptoms, what the symptoms are telling you and what to do about it based on your answers to important questions. Read more about hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance symptoms and physician-recommended natural treatments for eliminating the symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women may begin as early as the late twenties to the forties. Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women tend to increase as a woman ages, especially if ignored in the earlier years. Hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:
Allergy symptoms
Depression, fatigue and anxiety
Fibrocystic breasts
Hair loss and facial hair growth
Headaches, dizziness and foggy thinking
Low sex drive
Urinary tract infections and incontinence
Uterine fibroids
Weight gain, water retention and bloating
Wrinkly skin
Symptoms of hormone imbalance are caused primarily by the incorrect relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels in the body. The two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, exist in a delicate balance. Variations in that balance can have a dramatic effect on your health, resulting in symptoms of hormone imbalance. The amounts of these hormones that the woman's body produces from month to month can vary, depending on factors such as stress, nutrition, exercise and most importantly - ovulation or the lack of ovulation.
In the first 10-12 days of the menstrual cycle, only estrogen is produced in the female body. If ovulation occurs, then progesterone is produced by the ovaries. On day 28 or so, levels of both hormones drop, resulting in menstruation. However, if ovulation did not occur, you can still have the menstrual period, but the estrogen is never "balanced" by progesterone, which needed ovulation to trigger its production. And this results in symptoms of hormone imbalance appearing - you have estrogen but progesterone production drops to very low levels.
In the industrialized countries,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, women take birth control pills, are exposed to household chemicals at home, car exhaust and other environmental xenoestrogens. In addition, women often have stressful lives, eat processed foods or skip meals, take synthetic estrogen HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and have hysterectomies. All these factors can add more estrogen to the female body, resulting in excess estrogen which will cause hormone imbalance symptoms.
How can a woman tell if she is experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms? An easy, fast and effective way is to take the online test provided by a leading womens health clinic for early signs of menopause and symptoms of hormone imbalance in women. The online test takes just a few minutes and is free. Learn more about your health, symptoms, what the symptoms are telling you and what to do about it based on your answers to important questions. Read more about hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance symptoms and physician-recommended natural treatments for eliminating the symptoms of hormone imbalance.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Face it. If it doesn't fit right in the dressing room
5 Tips for a Great Fashion Fit
Ladies, have you ever been in a department store dressing room and talked yourself into buying an outfit that looked great on someone else,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots?
Face it. If it doesn't fit right in the dressing room, it won't fit well or look good when you wear it out in public. Here are five quick and easy tips to remember when buying clothes that look good and fit well on your body type.
Tip #1 Stick to a Color Theme
Wear the same color from head to toe. This will create the illusion of a long lean line. Neutral colors work best for this effect: black, brown, camel or cream. (Note: add a splash of color with a jacket or wrap)
Tip #2 Wear Your Correct Size
Dress in the size you are not the size you want to be. In spite of what you might believe, wearing clothes that are too tight or too big will make you look LARGER.
Tip #3 Be Aware of Flattering Fabrics
You want to wear fabrics that skim your curves instead of cling to them. Fabrics should drape your body and make you look good, not lumpy.
Tip #4 Best Pants to Wear
The most flattering pants to wear for all body types have a flat front, fall just below the navel (not hip huggers), and flare slightly at the bottom.
Tip #5 Best Skirt to Wear
The most flattering skirts to wear for all body types gets a perfect grade of A. The A-line skirt looks good on everybody and is great for hiding figure flaws.
Ladies, have you ever been in a department store dressing room and talked yourself into buying an outfit that looked great on someone else,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots?
Face it. If it doesn't fit right in the dressing room, it won't fit well or look good when you wear it out in public. Here are five quick and easy tips to remember when buying clothes that look good and fit well on your body type.
Tip #1 Stick to a Color Theme
Wear the same color from head to toe. This will create the illusion of a long lean line. Neutral colors work best for this effect: black, brown, camel or cream. (Note: add a splash of color with a jacket or wrap)
Tip #2 Wear Your Correct Size
Dress in the size you are not the size you want to be. In spite of what you might believe, wearing clothes that are too tight or too big will make you look LARGER.
Tip #3 Be Aware of Flattering Fabrics
You want to wear fabrics that skim your curves instead of cling to them. Fabrics should drape your body and make you look good, not lumpy.
Tip #4 Best Pants to Wear
The most flattering pants to wear for all body types have a flat front, fall just below the navel (not hip huggers), and flare slightly at the bottom.
Tip #5 Best Skirt to Wear
The most flattering skirts to wear for all body types gets a perfect grade of A. The A-line skirt looks good on everybody and is great for hiding figure flaws.
Try A Visit To The Chiropractor by Sheryl Lyon
Trying To Conceive? Try A Visit To The Chiropractor by Sheryl Lyon
Are you ready to have a baby? Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who conceives within a couple of months or maybe you will find yourself among millions of fertility challenged couples. Whether you are ready to start trying tomorrow or you have been trying for a decade, you might want to improve your odds of conception with a method that is quick, painless, inexpensive, and non-invasive. Believe it or not, a visit to the chiropractor may help you conceive.
A series of research papers published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research found that chiropractic had positive results treating infertility regardless of the woman's age, number of years infertile, previous medical intervention or health history including miscarriages, blocked fallopian tubes, amenorrhea, colitis, or trauma.
Your spine is a central highway of nerves. Just as an electrical cord has to be fully plugged in for an appliance to run, your reproductive system will not function properly if the nerves that lead to them are not functioning or are blocked in some way.
A chiropractor will identify pinched or pressed nerves and fix those spinal distortions, which are called subluxations. The distortions can be caused by many things including childhood falls, illnesses, accidents, poor posture, or even stress.
Once the subluxations are minimized or eliminated, a woman's menstrual cycle can strengthen, the action that delivers the egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus can improve, and some cases of endometriosis can begin to reverse.
Holistic websites, chiropractic patients, and chiropractors themselves abound with pregnancy success stories. Some women went to the chiropractor for other reasons only to find themselves pregnant, others have battled infertility for more than 10 years and then suddenly became pregnant within a couple of months or even a couple of visits to the chiropractor. These remarkable results are the same regardless of the technique used by the chiropractor.
Naturally this does not mean that everyone will get pregnant after a visit to the chiropractor only that it has worked for many women. It is certainly an option worth exploring either alone or in conjunction with other infertility treatments particularly if you have ever had an accident or illness.
You should be able to consult with a chiropractor and have an adjustment in less than an hour and the visit will probably cost $100 or less if it is not already covered by your insurance. The adjustments are totally non invasive, in fact they are done with the patient fully clothed. The procedure is painless although the sounds created by the adjustments may shock you at first.
Seeing a chiropractor is a great idea even if you are not trying to conceive because the nerves in the spine lead to more than just your reproductive organs but if you are trying to conceive, the benefits to fertility are just too compelling to ignore.
Does it really matter why or how it works? Or only that it works,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots? Even if you do not believe in chiropractors why wouldn't you try a proven fertility treatment that is easy, fast, gentle, non-invasive, covered by most insurance, inexpensive, painless and harmless? So do not forget to add an appointment with the chiropractor as part of your preconception plan.
Are you ready to have a baby? Maybe you will be one of the lucky ones who conceives within a couple of months or maybe you will find yourself among millions of fertility challenged couples. Whether you are ready to start trying tomorrow or you have been trying for a decade, you might want to improve your odds of conception with a method that is quick, painless, inexpensive, and non-invasive. Believe it or not, a visit to the chiropractor may help you conceive.
A series of research papers published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research found that chiropractic had positive results treating infertility regardless of the woman's age, number of years infertile, previous medical intervention or health history including miscarriages, blocked fallopian tubes, amenorrhea, colitis, or trauma.
Your spine is a central highway of nerves. Just as an electrical cord has to be fully plugged in for an appliance to run, your reproductive system will not function properly if the nerves that lead to them are not functioning or are blocked in some way.
A chiropractor will identify pinched or pressed nerves and fix those spinal distortions, which are called subluxations. The distortions can be caused by many things including childhood falls, illnesses, accidents, poor posture, or even stress.
Once the subluxations are minimized or eliminated, a woman's menstrual cycle can strengthen, the action that delivers the egg through the fallopian tubes to the uterus can improve, and some cases of endometriosis can begin to reverse.
Holistic websites, chiropractic patients, and chiropractors themselves abound with pregnancy success stories. Some women went to the chiropractor for other reasons only to find themselves pregnant, others have battled infertility for more than 10 years and then suddenly became pregnant within a couple of months or even a couple of visits to the chiropractor. These remarkable results are the same regardless of the technique used by the chiropractor.
Naturally this does not mean that everyone will get pregnant after a visit to the chiropractor only that it has worked for many women. It is certainly an option worth exploring either alone or in conjunction with other infertility treatments particularly if you have ever had an accident or illness.
You should be able to consult with a chiropractor and have an adjustment in less than an hour and the visit will probably cost $100 or less if it is not already covered by your insurance. The adjustments are totally non invasive, in fact they are done with the patient fully clothed. The procedure is painless although the sounds created by the adjustments may shock you at first.
Seeing a chiropractor is a great idea even if you are not trying to conceive because the nerves in the spine lead to more than just your reproductive organs but if you are trying to conceive, the benefits to fertility are just too compelling to ignore.
Does it really matter why or how it works? Or only that it works,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots? Even if you do not believe in chiropractors why wouldn't you try a proven fertility treatment that is easy, fast, gentle, non-invasive, covered by most insurance, inexpensive, painless and harmless? So do not forget to add an appointment with the chiropractor as part of your preconception plan.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
and that does not bode well for either your skin
Why Most Premier Anti Aging Products are a Hoax by Laurel Levine
Listen up! Would you really be surprised if I told you that the vast majority of what are often considered to be premier anti aging products don't contain the ingredients you need in order to revitalize your skin, and eliminate wrinkles? You probably wouldn't be if you have been using wrinkle reducing products for some time. If that is the case, then you must already realize that most of the cosmetic companies aren't doing anything to help you.
The fact is that in order to improve the state of your skin you are going to need all natural ingredients in your cosmetic formulas, but 90 percent of the time that is not what you are going to get. Most of the cosmetic companies develop their formulas almost entirely from chemicals, and that does not bode well for either your skin, or your health. The products these corporations are selling you can actually be quite dangerous.
The bulk of the so-called premier anti aging products is developed from groups of mostly toxic and carcinogenic chemical agents. It is a cost saving measure by the companies that use these potentially harmful chemical agents in their formulas, as mixing various chemicals together is a lot less work than the special processing that all natural compounds must be put through. This savings may be helping the companies, but it is hurting you.
All natural ingredients are more expensive for a cosmetic company to use to develop their formulas, but the added expense is well worth it to the customer. Special steps must be taken in order to ensure that the oil or extract derived from a plant source retains all of the properties that made the compounds desirable in the first place. Some companies believe that this extra expense is well worth it, and they are right.
All natural formulas are the premier anti aging products, because they have everything that your skin needs to be rejuvenated. Antioxidants cannot be obtained in adequate amounts when synthetics are being used, and you need antioxidants to repair the wrinkle producing damage that free radicals have done to the chemical structures in your skin. There are many other benefits to a well developed all natural formula as well.
What has been mainly responsible for your wrinkles and skin slackening is the loss of your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid due to decomposition brought on by enzyme activity. The steady decline in the production of your collagen and elastin, means that eventually what is coming in does not nearly equal what is going out. All you need is four natural compounds to reverse the loss of tissues and polymer.
Truly premier anti aging products will feature Phytessence Wakame kelp extract, grape seed oil, Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10, and Cynergy TK. Phytessence Wakame and grape seed oil are proven to severely curtail the destructive activity of the enzymes that break your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic aid down,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Nano-Lipobelle and Cynergy TK stimulate the production of greater amounts of collagen and elastin.
Now you know these are the things that premier anti aging products are supposed to do for you!
If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.
Listen up! Would you really be surprised if I told you that the vast majority of what are often considered to be premier anti aging products don't contain the ingredients you need in order to revitalize your skin, and eliminate wrinkles? You probably wouldn't be if you have been using wrinkle reducing products for some time. If that is the case, then you must already realize that most of the cosmetic companies aren't doing anything to help you.
The fact is that in order to improve the state of your skin you are going to need all natural ingredients in your cosmetic formulas, but 90 percent of the time that is not what you are going to get. Most of the cosmetic companies develop their formulas almost entirely from chemicals, and that does not bode well for either your skin, or your health. The products these corporations are selling you can actually be quite dangerous.
The bulk of the so-called premier anti aging products is developed from groups of mostly toxic and carcinogenic chemical agents. It is a cost saving measure by the companies that use these potentially harmful chemical agents in their formulas, as mixing various chemicals together is a lot less work than the special processing that all natural compounds must be put through. This savings may be helping the companies, but it is hurting you.
All natural ingredients are more expensive for a cosmetic company to use to develop their formulas, but the added expense is well worth it to the customer. Special steps must be taken in order to ensure that the oil or extract derived from a plant source retains all of the properties that made the compounds desirable in the first place. Some companies believe that this extra expense is well worth it, and they are right.
All natural formulas are the premier anti aging products, because they have everything that your skin needs to be rejuvenated. Antioxidants cannot be obtained in adequate amounts when synthetics are being used, and you need antioxidants to repair the wrinkle producing damage that free radicals have done to the chemical structures in your skin. There are many other benefits to a well developed all natural formula as well.
What has been mainly responsible for your wrinkles and skin slackening is the loss of your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid due to decomposition brought on by enzyme activity. The steady decline in the production of your collagen and elastin, means that eventually what is coming in does not nearly equal what is going out. All you need is four natural compounds to reverse the loss of tissues and polymer.
Truly premier anti aging products will feature Phytessence Wakame kelp extract, grape seed oil, Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10, and Cynergy TK. Phytessence Wakame and grape seed oil are proven to severely curtail the destructive activity of the enzymes that break your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic aid down,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. Nano-Lipobelle and Cynergy TK stimulate the production of greater amounts of collagen and elastin.
Now you know these are the things that premier anti aging products are supposed to do for you!
If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Hirutism can also be hereditary
How do Hormones Affect Female Skin? by Clarita Milles
Hormones and women, how do they affect the skin? This article would be different if it were for men, because women have a monthly cycle where hormonal levels fluctuate all month long. Understanding how the hormones work will shed light on common issues such as acne and hyper pigmentation. Later in this article we will focus on just three hormones, and how an imbalance amongst these three chemicals can affect the skin.
Types of Hormones
Estrogen: Estrogen is the main sex hormone in females. It is responsible for sexual maturity, breast and hip development, and fat distribution in these areas. It also causes the sexual organs to mature and be able to reproduce,Do you get yourself having difficulties to overcome infertility every time you having intercourse.
Progesterone: Progesterone is the hormone that maintains the thickened uterine wall after ovulation (or the releasing of a monthly egg,so I find I do best by only oiling the last few inches. If I do much more.) This is so that the walls can grow stronger to accept a possible fertilized egg. The monthly rise in estrogen and progesterone levels in women are to blame for monthly PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome).
Androgens: Androgens are the hormones in the body that promote male characteristics. However they are very important in the female body, as they can be converted by the ovaries into extra estrogen during a woman's monthly cycle. They trigger hair growth, libido, kidney functions, and sebum (oil) secretion among other things.
Effects of Hormones on Womens' Skin
The hormonal chemicals in the body do indeed control the skin organ in a big way. Hair growth, skin coloring, oil secretion and acne are all dictated by the hormones in the body. Sometimes there is too much of one hormone, or the blocker for that hormone's enabler is low. Certain things missing in the diet can lead to these imbalances, as can your genes, as some imbalances are hereditary.
Some skin disorders caused by hormonal imbalances include:
Hirutism: Hirutism is the excessive growth of hair in places where it doesn't normally grow on a female. Thick facial hair on a woman's face can be a sign of Hirutism. It is usually due to high androgen levels. Conditions that can cause high androgen levels include polycystic ovary syndrome (caused by an imbalance of sex hormones) and Cushing's syndrome (caused by high levels cortisol hormone). However, Hirutism can also be hereditary, occurring in completely healthy women.
Pigmentation: Pigmentation, also known as liver spots, is a disorder of skin complexion and color. It occurs mainly due to the malfunctioning of the live and/or endocrine glands, which control some hormones in the body. Skin pigmentation problems occur as either an excessive coloration or darkening of the skin or a loss of color and pigment in the skin, over the entire body or just in patches and spots.
Hormonal acne: A common hormonal imbalance symptom in women is hormonal acne. Adult hormonal acne causes much anguish for many women, leading them to try all sorts of acne scars cream . Understanding exactly what causes it is necessary for knowing how to treat it.
Hormonal acne is caused by the male hormone,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, androgen. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels in the female body steadily increase. Approximately 36 hours before ovulation, these levels will peak. The female body requires extra estrogen for this to happen. The body gets it from androgens, which are converted into extra estrogen by the ovaries. This is why the female body has a raised androgen level before ovulation, and this hormone causes extra oil secretion in the skin. Although this is a natural process and acne is a natural result of it, some women experience severe hormonal fluctuations, including abnormally high levels of androgen. This leads to severe hormonal acne,avoid adding height at your crown because that will emphasize your pointy chin. Instead.
Natural Severe Acne Treatment Solutions
Hormones and women, how do they affect the skin? This article would be different if it were for men, because women have a monthly cycle where hormonal levels fluctuate all month long. Understanding how the hormones work will shed light on common issues such as acne and hyper pigmentation. Later in this article we will focus on just three hormones, and how an imbalance amongst these three chemicals can affect the skin.
Types of Hormones
Estrogen: Estrogen is the main sex hormone in females. It is responsible for sexual maturity, breast and hip development, and fat distribution in these areas. It also causes the sexual organs to mature and be able to reproduce,Do you get yourself having difficulties to overcome infertility every time you having intercourse.
Progesterone: Progesterone is the hormone that maintains the thickened uterine wall after ovulation (or the releasing of a monthly egg,so I find I do best by only oiling the last few inches. If I do much more.) This is so that the walls can grow stronger to accept a possible fertilized egg. The monthly rise in estrogen and progesterone levels in women are to blame for monthly PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome).
Androgens: Androgens are the hormones in the body that promote male characteristics. However they are very important in the female body, as they can be converted by the ovaries into extra estrogen during a woman's monthly cycle. They trigger hair growth, libido, kidney functions, and sebum (oil) secretion among other things.
Effects of Hormones on Womens' Skin
The hormonal chemicals in the body do indeed control the skin organ in a big way. Hair growth, skin coloring, oil secretion and acne are all dictated by the hormones in the body. Sometimes there is too much of one hormone, or the blocker for that hormone's enabler is low. Certain things missing in the diet can lead to these imbalances, as can your genes, as some imbalances are hereditary.
Some skin disorders caused by hormonal imbalances include:
Hirutism: Hirutism is the excessive growth of hair in places where it doesn't normally grow on a female. Thick facial hair on a woman's face can be a sign of Hirutism. It is usually due to high androgen levels. Conditions that can cause high androgen levels include polycystic ovary syndrome (caused by an imbalance of sex hormones) and Cushing's syndrome (caused by high levels cortisol hormone). However, Hirutism can also be hereditary, occurring in completely healthy women.
Pigmentation: Pigmentation, also known as liver spots, is a disorder of skin complexion and color. It occurs mainly due to the malfunctioning of the live and/or endocrine glands, which control some hormones in the body. Skin pigmentation problems occur as either an excessive coloration or darkening of the skin or a loss of color and pigment in the skin, over the entire body or just in patches and spots.
Hormonal acne: A common hormonal imbalance symptom in women is hormonal acne. Adult hormonal acne causes much anguish for many women, leading them to try all sorts of acne scars cream . Understanding exactly what causes it is necessary for knowing how to treat it.
Hormonal acne is caused by the male hormone,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, androgen. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels in the female body steadily increase. Approximately 36 hours before ovulation, these levels will peak. The female body requires extra estrogen for this to happen. The body gets it from androgens, which are converted into extra estrogen by the ovaries. This is why the female body has a raised androgen level before ovulation, and this hormone causes extra oil secretion in the skin. Although this is a natural process and acne is a natural result of it, some women experience severe hormonal fluctuations, including abnormally high levels of androgen. This leads to severe hormonal acne,avoid adding height at your crown because that will emphasize your pointy chin. Instead.
Natural Severe Acne Treatment Solutions
Sunday, October 14, 2012
this era was also known as the last golden age of the glove
When to Wear Long Leather Gloves? by Shelly Resta
Gloves were very famous in the in the sixteenth as well as in the seventeenth centuries. Earlier people liked to wear long gloves with the short sleeves and these days long leather gloves are also popular. The most famous 1950s fashion is the glove; this era was also known as the last golden age of the glove, at that time various celebrities such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Gina Lollobrigida loved to wear long gloves. These days this fashion has again returned and woman are again wearing this sexy, polished and elegant accessory in style.
One of the Women's common accessory is the leather dress gloves these really looks elegant for the highly formal occasions. Leather gloves are very long,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, above the elbow, this area also known as the opera length gloves and typically worn with formal dresses. Audrey Hepburn made famous the three quarter length glove that falls just below the elbow, which is also a popular formal glove length. These gloves really look cool with the strapless,including Daughters, off the shoulder, and other sleeveless evening gown styles.
When to wear these long leather gloves:
Any occasion, in which you wear the white dress, these long leather gloves would be appropriate for wearing long dress gloves. Formal weddings, opera and other formal musical events, formal theatrical productions, dances, charity events and business events are all the occasion where leather dress gloves might be worn with women's evening wear.
Various types of the Formal Leather Gloves:
These formal leather gloves should be made with the high quality leather, such as Nappa leather, this leather is one of the woman's best choice when purchasing formal leather gloves. Being comfortable these gloves look more beautiful and elegant with the formal dresses. Gloves are available unlined, or may be lined in cashmere or silk, in button or slip on styles. Styles include:
Straight,Bridal Shower Tips by Yolanda Nash, unhemmed fitted gloves
Finished edge gloves
Ruched gloves
Lace-up styles
Slightly flared or flared arm styles
Black and white are the basic colors but the best part is that the leather formal gloves are available in two-toned and metallic leather colors as well as in various hues including red, brown, blue, green, grey, gold, violet, burgundy.
Long Winter Leather Gloves
One of the other varieties of these gloves is the long winter gloves and for wearing these gloves one should not need be in a formal occasion. These gloves look practical, elegant and stylish. Leather is the main choice for women's cold weather accessories as it is very warm and comfortable in the winters.
Types of Cold Weather Leather Gloves
Black color is one of the most popular colors for the winters but other neutral colors such as brown and tan are also widely available. A range of fashion colors,removes age spots and freckles, from navy to yellow and many hues in between are also sold. Gloves are often lined, and sometimes insulated for extra protection from the cold.
Gloves were very famous in the in the sixteenth as well as in the seventeenth centuries. Earlier people liked to wear long gloves with the short sleeves and these days long leather gloves are also popular. The most famous 1950s fashion is the glove; this era was also known as the last golden age of the glove, at that time various celebrities such as Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Gina Lollobrigida loved to wear long gloves. These days this fashion has again returned and woman are again wearing this sexy, polished and elegant accessory in style.
One of the Women's common accessory is the leather dress gloves these really looks elegant for the highly formal occasions. Leather gloves are very long,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, above the elbow, this area also known as the opera length gloves and typically worn with formal dresses. Audrey Hepburn made famous the three quarter length glove that falls just below the elbow, which is also a popular formal glove length. These gloves really look cool with the strapless,including Daughters, off the shoulder, and other sleeveless evening gown styles.
When to wear these long leather gloves:
Any occasion, in which you wear the white dress, these long leather gloves would be appropriate for wearing long dress gloves. Formal weddings, opera and other formal musical events, formal theatrical productions, dances, charity events and business events are all the occasion where leather dress gloves might be worn with women's evening wear.
Various types of the Formal Leather Gloves:
These formal leather gloves should be made with the high quality leather, such as Nappa leather, this leather is one of the woman's best choice when purchasing formal leather gloves. Being comfortable these gloves look more beautiful and elegant with the formal dresses. Gloves are available unlined, or may be lined in cashmere or silk, in button or slip on styles. Styles include:
Straight,Bridal Shower Tips by Yolanda Nash, unhemmed fitted gloves
Finished edge gloves
Ruched gloves
Lace-up styles
Slightly flared or flared arm styles
Black and white are the basic colors but the best part is that the leather formal gloves are available in two-toned and metallic leather colors as well as in various hues including red, brown, blue, green, grey, gold, violet, burgundy.
Long Winter Leather Gloves
One of the other varieties of these gloves is the long winter gloves and for wearing these gloves one should not need be in a formal occasion. These gloves look practical, elegant and stylish. Leather is the main choice for women's cold weather accessories as it is very warm and comfortable in the winters.
Types of Cold Weather Leather Gloves
Black color is one of the most popular colors for the winters but other neutral colors such as brown and tan are also widely available. A range of fashion colors,removes age spots and freckles, from navy to yellow and many hues in between are also sold. Gloves are often lined, and sometimes insulated for extra protection from the cold.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
and Prevention 7
What Has a Monk Got to Do With Breast Enhancement? by Julie Walker
One may wonder, or even find it bizarre to relate a monk, and breast enhancement together...Well, it happen unintentionally,and French verbena., at least for the monk. Here's the full story.
Source: Bangkok Post Newspaper
'white kwao kreu hit the news headlines again when doctors identified that it enlarged the breasts of a monk who regularly consumed the herb. White kwao kreu is believed to contain the female hormone oestrogen while the red kwaao khruea is believed to stimulate the male hormone ...'
Can not imagine? Well,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, that's beside the point. This discovery by the monk means good news for ladies (and special men) who want to enlarge their breasts naturally. White Kwao Kreu has proven to work on a man, and there is high chances that it will work for ladies.
What is white kwao kreu? And how does it helps in breast enhancement?
White kwao kreu, also known as Pueraria Mirifica or "Kwao Kreu Kao", are commonly found in the north, the west and the northeast of Thailand at the altitude of 300 to 800 metres above sea level. Woman in the rural communities of Thailand have used this tuberous roots effectively as rejuvenating folk medicine for well over a hundreds years before it become well known and received much attention from Thai and foreign scientist, especially the Japanese.
Most of the kwao kreu processed by the Japanese are made into medicines and cosmetics commonly used for improving the skin, hair and firming the breasts.
This herb is known to ...
1. Grow hair, strengthen and darken existing ones
2,Looking Gorgeous Wearing Trina Turk by Sidney Bauer. Help improve complexion and remove wrinkles
3. Improves eyesight
4. Increase energy and vigor leading to more reflexive body movements
5. Including breast enhancement.
A woman's body will produce hormones known as estrogens during puberty. This hormone determines the size, shape and fullness of a woman's breasts. Lower levels of these hormones due to lack of nutrition will result in smaller less developed breasts.
Phytoestrogens, which are "estrogens" commonly found in certain plants and herbs, is known to stimulate your body to produce new breast tissue growth, resulting in bigger, firmer and fuller breasts. Many clinical studies have shown that it have positive effects like lowering the incidence of female related cancer and promote hormone balance.
Pueraria Mirifica not only contains the phytoestrogens needed to stimulate breast development, it contains the best phytoestrogens.
In 1940, in a protected biotechnology laboratory, a group of German scientist successfully isolated the phytoestrogen - Miroestrol from the root of Pueraria Mirifica. But, this herb is mistakenly reported then as Butea Superba. It was later on classified as a new plant called Pueraria Mirifica,Pearls are the stone of June. A pearl's value is based on its color. After another 60 years, in year 2000, another phytoestrogen - deoxymiroestrol is isolated from the root of Pueraria Mirifica.
"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from other phytoestrogen, as it posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradiol, (Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose.
Next thing you may have in your mind is where can you find white kwao kreu breast enhancement products...frankly, you can find many such products online. But first listen to want the breast enhancement expert, Ms Yvonne Lee, who is the author of internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start" has to say...
"..after doing hours of researches on breast enhancement to write my book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start", my personal recommendation would be ANBES Nano Breast Serum...2 main supporting reasons...
Firstly, ANBES Nano Breast Serum contains the white kwao kreu that has a long proven history, and it uses latest nanotechnology to enable faster and deeper penetration into your breasts...
Secondly, ANBES has testimonials from their customers (both males and females) to show...impressive..."
The ebook version of the book is now available for 56 days review at:
You can read more Male users testimonials at:
For Female user testimonials please refer to:
My website is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology, Pueraria Mirifica Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last! Hurry Click Here Now>
Clinical Studies:
Chlebowski, R. T. (2000). Reducing the risk of breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 343, 191-198.
Brzezinski A, Debi A. Phytoestrogens: the "natural" selective estrogen receptor modulators? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1999:85:47-51.
Consensus opinion: The role of isoflavones in menopausal health: consensus opinion of the North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2000:7:21 5-229.
Tham DM, Gardner CD. Haskell WL. Clinical review 97: Potential health benefits of dietary phytoestrogens: a review of the clinical, epidemiological, and mechanistic evidence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998:83:2223-2235.
Murkies AL. Wilcox G, Davis SR. Clinical Reviews 92 Phytoestrogens. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998:83:297-303.
Xu, X., Duncan, A. M., Merz, B. E., and Kurzer, M. S. (1998). Effects of soy isoflavones on estrogen and phytoestrogen metabolism in premenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention 7, 1101-1108.
Hoffman, R. (1995). Potent inhibition of breast cancer cell lines by the isoflavonoid kievitone: comparison with genistein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 211, 600-606.
Chiechi LM. Dietary phytoestrogens in the prevention of long-term postmenopausal diseases. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1999:67:39-40.
One may wonder, or even find it bizarre to relate a monk, and breast enhancement together...Well, it happen unintentionally,and French verbena., at least for the monk. Here's the full story.
Source: Bangkok Post Newspaper
'white kwao kreu hit the news headlines again when doctors identified that it enlarged the breasts of a monk who regularly consumed the herb. White kwao kreu is believed to contain the female hormone oestrogen while the red kwaao khruea is believed to stimulate the male hormone ...'
Can not imagine? Well,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, that's beside the point. This discovery by the monk means good news for ladies (and special men) who want to enlarge their breasts naturally. White Kwao Kreu has proven to work on a man, and there is high chances that it will work for ladies.
What is white kwao kreu? And how does it helps in breast enhancement?
White kwao kreu, also known as Pueraria Mirifica or "Kwao Kreu Kao", are commonly found in the north, the west and the northeast of Thailand at the altitude of 300 to 800 metres above sea level. Woman in the rural communities of Thailand have used this tuberous roots effectively as rejuvenating folk medicine for well over a hundreds years before it become well known and received much attention from Thai and foreign scientist, especially the Japanese.
Most of the kwao kreu processed by the Japanese are made into medicines and cosmetics commonly used for improving the skin, hair and firming the breasts.
This herb is known to ...
1. Grow hair, strengthen and darken existing ones
2,Looking Gorgeous Wearing Trina Turk by Sidney Bauer. Help improve complexion and remove wrinkles
3. Improves eyesight
4. Increase energy and vigor leading to more reflexive body movements
5. Including breast enhancement.
A woman's body will produce hormones known as estrogens during puberty. This hormone determines the size, shape and fullness of a woman's breasts. Lower levels of these hormones due to lack of nutrition will result in smaller less developed breasts.
Phytoestrogens, which are "estrogens" commonly found in certain plants and herbs, is known to stimulate your body to produce new breast tissue growth, resulting in bigger, firmer and fuller breasts. Many clinical studies have shown that it have positive effects like lowering the incidence of female related cancer and promote hormone balance.
Pueraria Mirifica not only contains the phytoestrogens needed to stimulate breast development, it contains the best phytoestrogens.
In 1940, in a protected biotechnology laboratory, a group of German scientist successfully isolated the phytoestrogen - Miroestrol from the root of Pueraria Mirifica. But, this herb is mistakenly reported then as Butea Superba. It was later on classified as a new plant called Pueraria Mirifica,Pearls are the stone of June. A pearl's value is based on its color. After another 60 years, in year 2000, another phytoestrogen - deoxymiroestrol is isolated from the root of Pueraria Mirifica.
"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from other phytoestrogen, as it posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phyto-estrogens due to structural similarity to estradiol, (Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose.
Next thing you may have in your mind is where can you find white kwao kreu breast enhancement products...frankly, you can find many such products online. But first listen to want the breast enhancement expert, Ms Yvonne Lee, who is the author of internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start" has to say...
"..after doing hours of researches on breast enhancement to write my book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start", my personal recommendation would be ANBES Nano Breast Serum...2 main supporting reasons...
Firstly, ANBES Nano Breast Serum contains the white kwao kreu that has a long proven history, and it uses latest nanotechnology to enable faster and deeper penetration into your breasts...
Secondly, ANBES has testimonials from their customers (both males and females) to show...impressive..."
The ebook version of the book is now available for 56 days review at:
You can read more Male users testimonials at:
For Female user testimonials please refer to:
My website is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest Nanotechnology, Pueraria Mirifica Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate Results In 5 Minutes ... While stock last! Hurry Click Here Now>
Clinical Studies:
Chlebowski, R. T. (2000). Reducing the risk of breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 343, 191-198.
Brzezinski A, Debi A. Phytoestrogens: the "natural" selective estrogen receptor modulators? Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1999:85:47-51.
Consensus opinion: The role of isoflavones in menopausal health: consensus opinion of the North American Menopause Society. Menopause. 2000:7:21 5-229.
Tham DM, Gardner CD. Haskell WL. Clinical review 97: Potential health benefits of dietary phytoestrogens: a review of the clinical, epidemiological, and mechanistic evidence. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998:83:2223-2235.
Murkies AL. Wilcox G, Davis SR. Clinical Reviews 92 Phytoestrogens. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1998:83:297-303.
Xu, X., Duncan, A. M., Merz, B. E., and Kurzer, M. S. (1998). Effects of soy isoflavones on estrogen and phytoestrogen metabolism in premenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention 7, 1101-1108.
Hoffman, R. (1995). Potent inhibition of breast cancer cell lines by the isoflavonoid kievitone: comparison with genistein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 211, 600-606.
Chiechi LM. Dietary phytoestrogens in the prevention of long-term postmenopausal diseases. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1999:67:39-40.
Friday, October 12, 2012
which can take you anything from $7 to $30. Finally
Learn to Remove Waterproof Mascara by Nisar Ali
Just a few years ago, ladies did not have the comfort of applying water-resistant mascara. The perfect thing about these products is that their shine does not fade away easily and they are perfect for hot days or days when its pouring.
It is particularly popular with sportswomen because it can be worn while exercising in the gym or on the track or even in the pool without being worried about the mascara fading away. There is one issue though that the sturdy nature of this product makes it tough to clean it. Since it's water-resistant, our usual combination of water and cleanser doesn't effect it.
If you try to remove it without caution, you are likely to lose some of your eyelashes and cause damage around your eyes, which can develop into a painful eye infection. So what should you do? You need to remove the make up from your eyelashes but you should do it in a safe way,the doctor will also consider prior to and following photographs..
There are plenty of ladies who still go for the old-fashioned way of soap and water. This is not the best makeup cleanser because the soap dries your skin, particularly the sensitive skin around the eyes and it stings if the soap enters the eyes. But even after using soap and water many times,after all, waterproof mascaras may not budge with most of it still left behind.
In order to clean waterproof mascara effectively, you will need several things. Firstly, buy some cotton wool and cotton swabs. Then, you also have to get a high quality water-resistant eye makeup remover, which can take you anything from $7 to $30. Finally, buy some good yet gentle facial cleanser. Once you have got these things in your hand, you are ready to begin cleaning.
Flatten the cotton wool and use a liberal amount of eye makeup cleanser on it. Place the cotton wool below your lashes as you would have done while putting on the mascara,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. With the cotton ball below your lashes, slowly press your lashes against the cotton ball. There is no need to move the the cotton ball against the lashes, just keep it still for 30 secs,Chanel and. This is done so that the remover has enough time to remove the mascara. After you have held it in place for some seconds, wipe the cotton ball in an upward motion without pulling.
Do this repeatedly till the eyelashes are clean. Once the ends are clean, use the cotton buds to clean the mascara from the base by dipping the buds into the cleanser and slowly rubbing them into the roots. As soon as your lashes are cleaned to your satisfaction, use mild facial cleanser to remove any stuff still left and wash with plenty of moderately warm water.
Just a few years ago, ladies did not have the comfort of applying water-resistant mascara. The perfect thing about these products is that their shine does not fade away easily and they are perfect for hot days or days when its pouring.
It is particularly popular with sportswomen because it can be worn while exercising in the gym or on the track or even in the pool without being worried about the mascara fading away. There is one issue though that the sturdy nature of this product makes it tough to clean it. Since it's water-resistant, our usual combination of water and cleanser doesn't effect it.
If you try to remove it without caution, you are likely to lose some of your eyelashes and cause damage around your eyes, which can develop into a painful eye infection. So what should you do? You need to remove the make up from your eyelashes but you should do it in a safe way,the doctor will also consider prior to and following photographs..
There are plenty of ladies who still go for the old-fashioned way of soap and water. This is not the best makeup cleanser because the soap dries your skin, particularly the sensitive skin around the eyes and it stings if the soap enters the eyes. But even after using soap and water many times,after all, waterproof mascaras may not budge with most of it still left behind.
In order to clean waterproof mascara effectively, you will need several things. Firstly, buy some cotton wool and cotton swabs. Then, you also have to get a high quality water-resistant eye makeup remover, which can take you anything from $7 to $30. Finally, buy some good yet gentle facial cleanser. Once you have got these things in your hand, you are ready to begin cleaning.
Flatten the cotton wool and use a liberal amount of eye makeup cleanser on it. Place the cotton wool below your lashes as you would have done while putting on the mascara,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots. With the cotton ball below your lashes, slowly press your lashes against the cotton ball. There is no need to move the the cotton ball against the lashes, just keep it still for 30 secs,Chanel and. This is done so that the remover has enough time to remove the mascara. After you have held it in place for some seconds, wipe the cotton ball in an upward motion without pulling.
Do this repeatedly till the eyelashes are clean. Once the ends are clean, use the cotton buds to clean the mascara from the base by dipping the buds into the cleanser and slowly rubbing them into the roots. As soon as your lashes are cleaned to your satisfaction, use mild facial cleanser to remove any stuff still left and wash with plenty of moderately warm water.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
improve a clumsy and ungainly figure
Diet Tips for a Beautiful Female Figure
Diet and exercise are the two main essentials in making and keeping the figure beautiful. No woman can reduce weight, improve a clumsy and ungainly figure,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, through exercise alone. Diet comes first. Comparatively few women need fattening. What most need is reduction.
Yet for those whose figure needs building up and filling out, the following facts should be borned in mind. First, relax mentally. Worry and nervous tension use up calories the calorie is the unit by which we measure heat and food very rapidly, and tend to reduce weight below normal. Secondly, sleep enough and breathe fresh air in plenty. Third, exercise, to stimulate the appetite and aid all the organs of the body to do their work. Fourth, eat more of the foods that are high in food value. Butter, sugar, cream and cream sauce on vegetables, cod-liver oil and olive oil, are all fattening.
Do not cultivate fallacies, if you are fat and wish to reduce your figure in accord with the normal and ideal body measurements, . Shun antifat patent medicines and quack "cures." Often they are based on mercury, arsenic or thyroid extract. Shun Epsom salts baths and too many Turkish baths. They do harm and no good. The reduction of calories is the real secret of
successful fat reduction, and a key to that unit of measurement will enable you to bring your figure within the proper limits, to keep your figure beautiful. The whole point is to know how many calories of food you need per day. Now, normally,silver and platinum. Also it has a kind of matte finish which most people really like., a woman who does not "work" in any actual sense of the word, can do with 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day. If she follows some sedentary occupation, 2,000 to 2,when the total outcome or atmosphere of dating solely depends on the man,200 calories will suffice her. If her business requires walking, standing or any lighter manual labor, she can run her calorie allowance up to 2,500. If she performs hard physical labor, she is entitled to 2,500 to 3,000 calories. All this is normally speaking.
But if you are too fat, if you wish to bring back your figure to its rightful lines, you must know what your ideal net weight should be in order to cut off the number of calories of food you do not need.
Among the kinds of food, note that Proteins, which build tissue and yield energy, may store fat.
Proteins are contained in meat, fish, fowl, nuts, milk, cheese, vegetables. Fats (animal fats, oils, chocolate, nuts) are stored by the body as fat. So are Carbohydrates (sugars, starches, including bread, cereals, potatoes, corn, etc.). Vitamins, food substances needed for growth, occur in animal fats, but not in vegetable ones, as also in eggs, milk, butter and meat, vegetable outer skins, grain germs and fruits.
These kinds of food must be balanced. If you balance them properly, you can reduce your figure
to normal without injuring health or keeping to a monotonous food diet. Proteins you must eat, but neither to excess nor the reverse. And you must eat Vitamins, which abound in nonfattening vegetables and fruits. Do not be afraid of drinking plenty of water. But do not exceed your calorie allowance. Without further theory we advise the woman who wishes to eat and grow thin to avoid the following liquids and foods.
Shun water during meals it makes you eat more. Drink all you want between meals. Rich sodas must be avoided. But coffee in moderation and skim milk are not harmful. But every woman should know that all alcoholic drinks make her fatter if she is fat and thinner if she is thin, thus serving no good purpose. Each bit of food you eat beyond what your system and your normal weight, figure and calorie requirements demand, is fattening. Candy, pie, cakes, ice cream, whipped cream, candied sweet potatoes, cheese, rice, butter, fresh and white bread, rich meats, thick gravies and nuts are fattening.
"Keep off" fried foods, bacon, ham, pork, and all things made of flour, macaroni, dried beans, puddings, pastries and custards. But there are excellent beefsteak or lean meat, fruit and milk diets, the fruit diet especially being excellent for reduction. An occasional fast day,but no longer four or five. I put the cookies in to bake, or certain days of low caloric eating a week are also good. A rapid method to reduce the overplus of calories is a diet of baked potatoes and a glass of skim milk, three times daily, for a week at a time. Or, instead of fasting altogether for a day, drink a glass of buttermilk every three hours. Again, small helpings of favorite fattening foods, or the dropping of one thing for another, will help attain the end which is the reduction of your calorie overplus. This is the whole secret of reducing fat and bringing the figure to its normal physical best, its legitimate beauty of outline, where diet is concerned.
A number of excellent books which deal in great detail with the different ways of controlling the
calories, of reducing weight and fat, are easily available. We have gone into some details ourselves, although diet and fat reduction is here only considered in its relation to physical beauty. In the books already mentioned, numerous "sample menus," etc., will be found.
Foods you can eat, and still feel you are not betraying your figure, include: (1) Any meat or game, save pig. (2) All seafood, including lobster. (3) Fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas. (4) Salads and meat jellies. (5) Tomatoes, peppers, olives, celery, cucumber, chili sauce and Worcestershire. (6) All fruit desserts.
Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. Make the most of your figure and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel of this article. If its teachings be followed, power beauty's choicest secret will be your reward.
Diet and exercise are the two main essentials in making and keeping the figure beautiful. No woman can reduce weight, improve a clumsy and ungainly figure,3352 Ugg Bailey Button Mini Chocolate Boots, through exercise alone. Diet comes first. Comparatively few women need fattening. What most need is reduction.
Yet for those whose figure needs building up and filling out, the following facts should be borned in mind. First, relax mentally. Worry and nervous tension use up calories the calorie is the unit by which we measure heat and food very rapidly, and tend to reduce weight below normal. Secondly, sleep enough and breathe fresh air in plenty. Third, exercise, to stimulate the appetite and aid all the organs of the body to do their work. Fourth, eat more of the foods that are high in food value. Butter, sugar, cream and cream sauce on vegetables, cod-liver oil and olive oil, are all fattening.
Do not cultivate fallacies, if you are fat and wish to reduce your figure in accord with the normal and ideal body measurements, . Shun antifat patent medicines and quack "cures." Often they are based on mercury, arsenic or thyroid extract. Shun Epsom salts baths and too many Turkish baths. They do harm and no good. The reduction of calories is the real secret of
successful fat reduction, and a key to that unit of measurement will enable you to bring your figure within the proper limits, to keep your figure beautiful. The whole point is to know how many calories of food you need per day. Now, normally,silver and platinum. Also it has a kind of matte finish which most people really like., a woman who does not "work" in any actual sense of the word, can do with 1,600 to 1,800 calories per day. If she follows some sedentary occupation, 2,000 to 2,when the total outcome or atmosphere of dating solely depends on the man,200 calories will suffice her. If her business requires walking, standing or any lighter manual labor, she can run her calorie allowance up to 2,500. If she performs hard physical labor, she is entitled to 2,500 to 3,000 calories. All this is normally speaking.
But if you are too fat, if you wish to bring back your figure to its rightful lines, you must know what your ideal net weight should be in order to cut off the number of calories of food you do not need.
Among the kinds of food, note that Proteins, which build tissue and yield energy, may store fat.
Proteins are contained in meat, fish, fowl, nuts, milk, cheese, vegetables. Fats (animal fats, oils, chocolate, nuts) are stored by the body as fat. So are Carbohydrates (sugars, starches, including bread, cereals, potatoes, corn, etc.). Vitamins, food substances needed for growth, occur in animal fats, but not in vegetable ones, as also in eggs, milk, butter and meat, vegetable outer skins, grain germs and fruits.
These kinds of food must be balanced. If you balance them properly, you can reduce your figure
to normal without injuring health or keeping to a monotonous food diet. Proteins you must eat, but neither to excess nor the reverse. And you must eat Vitamins, which abound in nonfattening vegetables and fruits. Do not be afraid of drinking plenty of water. But do not exceed your calorie allowance. Without further theory we advise the woman who wishes to eat and grow thin to avoid the following liquids and foods.
Shun water during meals it makes you eat more. Drink all you want between meals. Rich sodas must be avoided. But coffee in moderation and skim milk are not harmful. But every woman should know that all alcoholic drinks make her fatter if she is fat and thinner if she is thin, thus serving no good purpose. Each bit of food you eat beyond what your system and your normal weight, figure and calorie requirements demand, is fattening. Candy, pie, cakes, ice cream, whipped cream, candied sweet potatoes, cheese, rice, butter, fresh and white bread, rich meats, thick gravies and nuts are fattening.
"Keep off" fried foods, bacon, ham, pork, and all things made of flour, macaroni, dried beans, puddings, pastries and custards. But there are excellent beefsteak or lean meat, fruit and milk diets, the fruit diet especially being excellent for reduction. An occasional fast day,but no longer four or five. I put the cookies in to bake, or certain days of low caloric eating a week are also good. A rapid method to reduce the overplus of calories is a diet of baked potatoes and a glass of skim milk, three times daily, for a week at a time. Or, instead of fasting altogether for a day, drink a glass of buttermilk every three hours. Again, small helpings of favorite fattening foods, or the dropping of one thing for another, will help attain the end which is the reduction of your calorie overplus. This is the whole secret of reducing fat and bringing the figure to its normal physical best, its legitimate beauty of outline, where diet is concerned.
A number of excellent books which deal in great detail with the different ways of controlling the
calories, of reducing weight and fat, are easily available. We have gone into some details ourselves, although diet and fat reduction is here only considered in its relation to physical beauty. In the books already mentioned, numerous "sample menus," etc., will be found.
Foods you can eat, and still feel you are not betraying your figure, include: (1) Any meat or game, save pig. (2) All seafood, including lobster. (3) Fruit, with the exception of grapes and bananas. (4) Salads and meat jellies. (5) Tomatoes, peppers, olives, celery, cucumber, chili sauce and Worcestershire. (6) All fruit desserts.
Beauty and health go hand in hand. Your skin, your hair, your figure, if not healthy, rob your loveliest features of their charm. Make health the cornerstone of an intelligent study and cultivation of every iota of beauty which you have. Physical beauty, in the best sense, means well-rounded physical development on a health basis. Make the most of your figure and every charm you, individually, may possess. Such is the gospel of this article. If its teachings be followed, power beauty's choicest secret will be your reward.
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